February 19, 2014 “It’s a personal struggle we are having.”

Sister Meservy’s Letter from February 19, 2014

Subject:  “It’s a personal struggle we are having.”

Did you know that I’m a dreamer? I am. Sometimes I keep myself up all night just thinking and dreaming…. (not like sleeping dreaming, but that happens too…). Well one of my biggest dreams– aside from visiting the Eiffel Tower, changing the world, and singing for the prophet– is to write books for the children. So let me practice on all y’all.

Attempt #1
Once upon a time…. Sister Busath and Sister Meservy were teaching the Plan of Salvation to some members in their ward because they loved teaching members the lessons and inviting them to invite over all their friends. When they began to talk about the 3 kingdoms and pulled out their fancy sun, moon, and star- little Noah said, “Wait, Wait! Is there a Lunar Eclipse Kingdom?!”
The End.

Attempt #2
Once there was a child who I had a crush on. His name is Evan. He came up to me, started rubbing my elbow, looked me in the eyes, and told me all about the trips he was going to take in his life. It was very romantic. Then He played his mini guitar while I played mine and sang “Abide with me ‘Tis Eventide” – it was a great duet. He is 4. I love him.
The End.

Attempt #3
Sometimes we walk in the cold at night, and people shovel, so we offer to help and talk to them. Sometimes they are really nice and they tell us about all of their LDS friends in the ward. Using this wording, “It seems that all the friends we make here are LDS, and it is really just a personal struggle my wife and I are having.” . . . Heavenly Father is working hard on that family because they are amazing. People are being prepared, my friends. He is one of them.

Not yet the End of his story. But the end of what I know. . . .

Attempt #4
Once upon a time I watched a man shovel his lawn. Then we got out to help and he ran in his garage and closed it. . . . The End.

Attempt #5
Valentines day. I love Valentines Day. ESPECIALLY when we have a candle lit dinner with two of the laurels that always come out and teach with us. And order a heart pizza from papa murphys. 🙂 I can’t leave this area. I love it more than I thought possible. Who would have thought my mission could improve this much just from having so much ward support. and love. Be good missionaries. Do everything you can to support your missionaries. Invite your friends to things. Talk to everyone. PLEASE. Missionary work should always be like this. This ward has CHANGED me.  The End.

Attempt #6 (okay… I’m getting worse at this story thing).
Once upon a time we knocked the door of a referral. Mr. Ridesatthedoor answered and wasn’t too interested so he sent us away. Then as we got to the car he opened the door again and said, “Okay, okay, come inside.” So we went inside and taught him and his wife, who is totally a member (the members who sent us had no idea though). When we came in she said, “We were just talking about how he needed to get with the people from my church to learn more about what we believe because….” [GET READY FOR THIS MIRACLE STORY]
….my husband and I recently went to Turkey because a man contacted us after finding out he had the same blood type as my husband. When we got to Turkey nobody could figure out how someone from turkey had the same blood type as a native american…. So I told my husband to meet with the people from my church.


When we asked Brother Ridesatthedoor if he had a Book of Mormon he said, “Yeah, we have lots,do you want one?” and when we left he said he’d read because “It’s probably the best book there is.”  And now they are coming on a church tour…. The church is true, my friends. THE END.

I love this mission. I LOVE Smile Prairie. I am so grateful for the help we get from the amazing members here. I love changing. 🙂

Y’all should read 3 Nephi 8 and 9 and pretend you are the land and the savior is helping you destroy your sins. It’s amazing. I know that He can help us change and turn us into just what we desire to be! I love the gospel.

Sister Meservy


PICTURE 1- Quiche and S’more Pie. DELICIOUS.Thank you Members.Sistere Meservy & Sister Busath -- Quiche and S'more Pie. DELICIOUS. Thank you Members.

Picture 2 – Valentines.
Sister Sarah Meservy -- Valentines.
PICTURE 3- Temple Trip With my besties. 🙂 Sister Busath and Sister Startin (WML wife) and ME. (and photo bomber in the window…. 🙂
Temple Trip With my besties. :) Sister Busath and Sister Startin (WML wife) and ME. (and photo bomber in the window)
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February 10, 2014 –Those times when you can’t keep the boys away from you in sacrament meeting. . . .

Sister Meservy’s Letter from February 10, 2014

Subject:  “Those times when you can’t keep the boys away from you in sacrament meeting. . . .”

WELL HELLO. Happy Valentines Week. This is a good holiday. One of my FAVORITES. 🙂 Because I just love lots of things.

Here are some of my favorite things…. some of the things this girl loves the most. Not in order of importance. . . .

I have this companion that’s amazing. She is just sunshine in a human being. She is just a magnet of happiness and everyone that meets her wants to be happy. 🙂  I love her a lot. So…. Happy Valentines day.

We’ve used my guitar a TON this week. In lessons, in contacting, and even for a primary activity. 🙂 I think 4 people asked me why I haven’t tried out for American Idol. haha. Jokesters.
Sometimes I am hesitant to use my guitar because I don’t want to have the attention, I wan’t people to feel the spirit and get closer to God, but I got a blessing this week and was advised to share my music with everyone. SO THAT’S WHAT WE ARE DOING.  Look out. 🙂

After I sang at the “I’ts Great to be Eight” fireside a member of the bishopric came up to me and said the kindest things. He said, “There are some people that have good mormon voices. You are more like a recording artist. You are more like Alex Boye.”

Folks. I am so grateful to be blessed with gifts and talents from my Heavenly Father, and I want to share them with EVERYBODY. I have been amazed at how the Lord has added to my talents on my mission when I am willing to share them. I don’t ever have time to practice singing or playing guitar- but the more I share the more I am blessed. I am grateful that I have even been able to give my music to the Lord. He can do with me what he wants. I love music. I love singing. I love feeling the spirit as I testify through the words in hymns and primary songs. I love Heavenly Father. Happy Valentines Day, Folks. 🙂

This ward is amazing. I want to finish my mission here. 🙂 I am happy. I am growing and stretching. The people are amazing. I love it here. So we’ve decided we literally live in Vampire Land. If Sister Meyers (aka: Stephanie) knew what she was talking about when she wrote twilight, and vampires are truly perfect and beautiful, then I live in Vampire Land. (it just so happens that many roads are named as follows: twilight, dusk, dawn, moonlight, etc)

Next week I’ll give you the details on all the perfect people, alright? Cool. 🙂 I am just grateful. I love them all. Happy Valentines Day, Kids.

Wow. I am just grateful to be able to use the Atonement. I love repenting. I love changing. I also love TEACHING THE ATONEMENT. Our investigator, Gemma, is really starting to understand the atonement and the nature of God and it is changing her. 🙂 I love her so much.

We had so many amazing lessons this week, that we left full of SO much joy because we knew we had served our purpose and were able to see people come closer to Christ and understand his role in their lives more fully. It’s amazing. Wow. I just love being a missionary. I love my Savior Jesus Christ and his Atonement. Happy Valentines Day. I love you all.

I know that this is the church of Jesus Christ.

Moroni 7:47.   “But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.”

Sister Meservy

PS: Gemma’s kids were sitting next to us in sacrament meeting, and Brandon Jr (4 years old) kept trying to cuddle with me. So hard to turn the little guy away, but no worries my friends, I have become skilled in the art of keeping the manfolk away. Just had to hold out my planner and give him a pen to draw all over in it. 🙂 That kept him distracted enough. Think that’ll work after the mission?

Sure love ya’ll . Happy Valentines Week.


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February 3, 2014 — “Can we get a pronunciation guide?”

Sister Meservy’s Letter from February 3, 2014

Subject:  “Can we get a pronunciation guide?”

Hello! Wow. I am the LUCKIEST MISSIONARY IN THE WORLD. I have an amazing companion. An amazing ward. A missionary minded Bishop. A missionary minded ward, really. It’s all just great and I get to be a part of it. WHY AM I SO BLESSED?! I just don’t know.

Now don’t get me wrong. It’s not easy. BUT it is amazing. I got to exchange up to Greenbluff and while we were teaching one of their investigators he said something quite profound. “Sometimes you’re gonna get stuck in the toilet. And someone is gonna take a picture and bring it up again and again. You get to decide how to react.” Then he looked at me and said, “You have lots of laughter lines. You would react well.”  SO my friends. I’m in good shape, according to John. 😉

I’m also in good shape because our investigators are AMAZING.

Gemma decided she wants to be baptized WHICH IS HUGE. I love her family so much. More news to come on her soon. 🙂 Keep her in your prayers.

Here in “Smile”  we have dinners with members EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. So… I am eating far more than I am asking for. Let’s just say…. I might get a little portly. Haha. Wait. That’s a joke because WE DON’T HAVE A CAR  throughout the week. Which means we get to hike up a mountain in the snow. WHICH brings me to some great miracles of the week.

On one snowy and frigid day this week, Sister Busath and I hiked up to the Prairie to get some teaching in. Turns out nobody wanted to talk to us. for 4 hours. So we had a lot of good times making tracks in the SNOW. Haha. Then we decided to pray because it was getting far too cold and we wanted to find someone/ get inside someones house. Well… a couple minutes later… a random man pulled over just to talk to us because we looked like we were having such a great time. We were.

Anyway… He wasn’t a member, and doesn’t want to be YET, but it was great to talk to him and his kids. When he pulled over he didn’t even know we were missionaries. I know that was an answer to our prayers because it definitely gave us the strength to keep going. And it gave Sister Busath the strength to get a little crazy. haha.

Remember how I told you we like to pull our car over to talk to people? And run across the street? Well now Sister Busath waves down cars. 🙂 Especially when we walk around for 4 hours and meet NOBODY because nobody wants to be outside in the cold weather. Then she really gets good at flagging people down, asking for directions (that are needed) and then we start a nice gospel conversation. Almost everyone we talked to was SO nice. 🙂 One man just said, “I don’t know where that is but I have no doubt you two will find it. I’ll pray for you.”  then he drove off. That was as harsh as it got. Haha. What a joy. Nobody can really be mean to two happy girls freezing their toes and noses off. . . .

It all worked out though.

We got to go to Ward Council for the first time in this area- which was a blast because there were 4 missionaries there. IT IS AWESOME TO SERVE WITH THE ELDERS. Elder Lindsay and Elder Lloyd are basically the coolest. It’s fun to have elders to teach the men and sisters to teach the women. and it’s just fun to be working together. I feel like every success of theirs is a success of ours. 🙂  “But I do not joy in my own success alone, but my joy is more full because of the success of my brethren,” Alma 29:14 I feel that.

One of the things that means a lot to me is that in our ward mission plan, our Bishop has asked the ward to pray for each of the missionaries by name every night. 🙂 So they are putting our names on the program every week. I can feel an extra strength being here- I KNOW that this ward is serving along side us. It is an amazing feeling. Pray for your missionaries. They need it. 🙂  When they were talking about it in ward council this week they said, “Can we get a pronunciation guide for the sisters?”  Haha. It’s great to have a companion whose name is just as hard to pronounce. 🙂 I love sister Busath.

I love this gospel. This week I have been extra grateful for the Atonement and how I can apply it daily. I need my Savior, and I love him.  I promise he loves you all.

Keep the Faith.


#1- We drew each other without looking.


#2- We like the snow. 🙂 and walking.


#3- That’s me. (Sarah)


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January 27, 2014 — “I want a Book of Mormon in FRENCH”

Sister Meservy’s Letter from January 27th, 2014

Subject:  “I want a Book of Mormon in FRENCH”

Hello my beloved family and friends.

What a week. Ha. WOW. Opening a new area is HARD WORK. But let’s just say, SISTER BUSATH is a champion. I love setting goals. And doing scary things. Here are the top scary things of the week:

#1- Knocking on a Less Active door in a private community.
Okay, so It wasn’t that bad. Especially because I’m in Spokane, not Deer Park. So there weren’t any “No trespassing or you’ll be shot until you die” signs. So we knocked on this door and our new friend, Toni answered the door. She is from Germany, and her mother is from the CONGO. SO guess what her mom speaks? FRENCH. SO guess who got to read a french book of mormon? THIS GIRL. And that means that this girl is yet again COMMITTED to going to France and speaking French one day. I’ll probably share the gospel there too, okay? Cool.

But yes, we had a great lesson about God speaking all languages. See 2 Nephi 31:3. 🙂 Then they sat by us at church on Sunday. I LOVE THEM.

#2- Pulling over the car and rolling down the window to talk to people. This is terrifying. But really fun. Especially with Sister Busath. Our goals this week were to stop a dog walker and to pull over the car to talk to people on the street when we see them. (We only have a car on the weekends so there aren’t tons of chances. we have to take them all. or try to. . . . Still working on it). Well we did both. We pulled over to a man walking his dog and talked to him about the gospel. 🙂 He even walked up to our window to get a mormon.org card. 🙂

#3- Crossing the busy street 3 times in a row to talk to everyone we saw. That was Hilarious.

#4-Inviting our only investigator to be baptized AGAIN. She hates pressure, but it was the right thing to do. So Sister Busath did it- she’s amazing. And our investigator is PROGRESSING. I LOVE HER SO MUCH. I love teaching. I know that our area is about to explode. I can feel it in my bones. and my heart. which is even cooler than the bone thing.

…. Anyway. A good friend of mine sent me a quote to do one scary thing every day. Well that has just changed my mission. I LOVE IT. And Sister B and I just have a lot of fun doing the scary and awkward things.

Also. I just want everyone to know that I know the church is TRUE with all my heart. Sometimes I just think I am the luckiest human in the world. You know how Nephi explains being highly favored of the Lord? I feel him. Heavenly Father is SO good to me everyday, and SO merciful. I am just trying my hardest and changing more than I ever thought I could. Sometimes I pause and just think, I could never know more sure than I know now that the Book of Mormon is a Testament of My Savior and this is HIS church, but then I wake up and live the next day and realize my testimony is GROWING STILL. Ha. I guess I’ll never be able to stop it. 😉

So we are having a blast in Spokane and getting over all our fears together. It’s amazing. I am certain I couldn’t do any of this without my Savior, but since He is laboring right by my side- it’s my favorite thing, EVER. This missionary thing is getting carved deeper and deeper into my heart every day. The church is TRUE, my friends. I know it.

Love Love Love,
Sister Meservy

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January 22, 2014 — Sister Meservy Pictures

With Sister Busath

With Sister Busath



Staying in a little boys room.



Behold the field is WHITE and READY to Harvest. . ..



Cooking for ZONE Conference

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