Sister Meservy’s Letter from June 10, 2013
SUBJECT: The Sticker Aisle…
Well that was a good week. I can’t believe I am almost done with my second transfer. There is only a week left! Time is soaring.
I have a few wonderful stories from this week.
First of all, Liberty Lake has this annual Yard Sale- and it’s kind of a big deal. SO people come from all over, and the people who live all over Liberty Lake put their old things in their yards to sale. The roads are packed with people and cars. It’s wonderful. Especially when you have a message to share with all of God’s children. It was wonderful to meet people all morning and to be out in the warm sun, and lunch was great because we got to talk to all the vendors and look at the wonderful things they were selling in the park. I love liberty lake. Also… I got a free bridesmaids dress. Which was needed- I’ll send a picture home to my family and they can just get a card board cut out of me in that dress for my siblings weddings this summer. It’s a hideous lavender dress. That will work for both weddings, right? I could even send the dress home for Brighton to wear. . . because she’d probably love it as well and then we could match.
Also… I think you’d like to hear about something really great that happened this week.
Sister Beck and I were trying to contact a referral that was given to us by an adorable 12 year old boy in our ward. Sadly the referrals parents didn’t exactly welcome us into their home. 🙂 But it was a good effort for the little missionary in our ward. Everyone follow his example. Please. HELP YOUR MISSIONARIES! They need you. Anyway, back to the story. We knocked on a door on our way back and the woman was not interested. Then as we bore testimony of Jesus Christ and related our beliefs to hers, she pointed to my Book of Mormon and said, “I have one of those. And I’m reading it.”
In obvious excitement we asked what she thought. She then began explaining how she knew that Joseph Smith couldn’t have written it on his own, and that it must be scripture from God. Then she asked us about the restoration, and the plan of salvation, and we talked about Jesus Christ. She excitedly took our pamphlets and our number and said that she would pray about it all and read and study and call us when she had a list of questions. She was wonderful.
Please pray for this woman. She didn’t set a follow-up appointment with us but promised to call when she has time to talk. So please pray for her. She told us that she truly thinks Mormons are the only religion that actually live by their religion. That was a relief to hear because practically every 2 houses are LDS in this area. We are grateful the members are representing Jesus Christ’s Gospel in a good way. Then she told us that she has been praying for an answer and she was amazed that we knocked on her door at that time. Missionaries have never knocked on her door before. It was a miracle. All of it. One of those things you only read about in the ensign. 🙂 and in emails home from missionaries. 🙂
I know that God’s hand is in this work and he is so aware of every one of his children! We can all turn to him!
Please, turn to him. Run to him. 🙂 His arms are open. His hand is stretched out, no matter what you have done, his hand is stretched out still. 2 Nephi 19 &20. 🙂
I love yall. 🙂
Sister Meservy
PS: There may be a problem here: I can get through buying all my groceries in 8 minutes, but when I get to the sticker/ coloring book/ paint/ markers/ paper aisle… I could spend all day there. Dreaming of the joys I would have writing home with all those wonderful things. 🙂 Instead… I glue cough drop wrappers and pictures from ensigns to my letters. 🙂 Totally just as good.