Sister Meservy’s Letter from July 15th, 2013
Subject: So… I’ll put John as a back up – to the Chickens.
Sister Meservy at BEST MISSION STOP
Dear Family and Friends,
Alright, This week was eventful…
We had interviews with president and he told me that as I train I can’t let the fire die in my new companion. She’s on fire. He told me I have to be careful not to let that fire die.
So the next day… my companion was standing by the gas stove… and I accidentally started the burner while her arm was over it. Oops.
Just trying to keep the fire going.
Then, the members we live with went out of town and I set the fire alarm off by burning my toast.
No worries though. I figured out how to turn it off. Nobody died. The church is still true. And We are keeping the fire burning. 🙂
We got to help Amanda plan her wedding- and I am so amazed with how the ward is just flying in and helping out! 🙂 I LOVE FELLOWSHIPPERS!! If you want to be cool- fellowship somebody into the church. Remember how much God loves you, and remember how much He loves them. He needs you to help them feel that love! Don’t be scared to invite people to church, or over to meet with the missionaries. There is no failure in inviting.
My new favorite scripture story is the story of Samuel the Lamanite in Helaman 13.
Samuel goes to teach the Nephites and they kick him out of the city. Then, the spirit of the Lord tells Samuel that he must return to preach unto them again. So, Samuel being incredibly faithful, listens and goes back- but the Nephites wont even let him into the city.
So let’s just pause and think about this. How often does the spirit prompt us to do something, we try, something gets in the way, and we give up. Sometimes we just think, “Hmm… well, I tried to follow the spirit. I guess the Lord just wanted me to try.”
Well… Samuel, being awesome, decided that he is going to find a way to follow the spirit. So he climbs on a wall. How, you might ask, as so many members seem to, did Samuel get on the wall?! I have no idea. But he did it. He climbed upon the wall and preached to those who hated him for doing so.
Let’s be honest, it might be a little easier to talk to our friends and neighbors than to talk to a group of people who want you to die.
So just take a minute and think- what is your wall? What wall do you need to climb to become a missionary. Don’t give up because it’s not completely easy. Find a way. The Lord has commanded us to share his gospel. 🙂
Now I know what your thinking. “Sister Meservy, GET OFF MY BACK. I’m busy. It’s hard. I don’t know how!” Well. I’ll make a deal with you. But first I must enlighten yall with a story.
On Friday my beautiful companion and I parked across from a less active member. We knocked on her door, but she wasn’t home. So as we wandered back to the car I saw a husband and wife sitting on the curb to their home. I knew that I must go up and talk to them. EVERYONE DESERVES TO BE INVITED. Everyone deserves a chance.
Well they were a lovely couple and we had a nice conversation for a moment, but the husband hurried things up and said, “Alright, Let me just make this easier for you. Here in Liberty Lake it is against the law for people like you to come out and do what you are doing. You need to go get a license from City Hall if you want to be out doing what you are doing. That’s why we decided to move here. It’s against the law for you to knock doors here.”
We discussed for a moment… and then I apologized and said we would leave. His 5 year old daughter, as we were leaving said, “Come back here anytime!”
Well… we headed back and decided to visit some members down the road. When we passed our car the man came running after us. We turned around to talk with him and he began to tell us we needed to go to City Hall and tell them we were breaking the law. We calmly sat and listened to his loud lecturing… and then told him that we were just going to a members home to visit. To which he yelled some more and suggested forcefully that we had to move our car to park it in front of the members we were visiting because parking there was against the law for us.
Awesome. 🙂 Well…. I still love him, because his wife and daughter were quite pleasant and he must have just been trying to protect his family. From crazies like us out on the streets, breaking all the rules. 🙂
To make matters even better… We went into a members home and shared the message of Samuel the Lamanite. As I read the words in verses 2 and 3… The spirit spoke to me:
“And it came to pass that he did preach, many days, repentance unto the people, and they did cast him out, and he was about to return to his own land.”
“But behold, the voice of the Lord came unto him, that he should return again, and prophesy unto the people whatsoever things should come into his heart.”
I literally laughed out loud in the members home because I knew that I had to return to talk with that man. . .
Pray for me… because I’m not sure how I’ll do it. But it’s going to happen. SO here’s the deal:
I promise that I’ll go back and talk to that man if you share the gospel this week as well. A’ight? God needs us to find a way to climb on the wall. To share the gospel. 🙂
I love yall!
The Church is true!
Sister Meservy
PS: “So… I’ll put John as a back up to the Chickens…”
I got to catch chickens this week. 🙂 Like I’ve said before: this is the mission of my dreams. 🙂
Sister Meservy with the CHICKENS
With some GREAT Missionaries
Sister Hood and all her TRAINEES